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The OASI Care Bundle of three courses is an important resource for obstetrics and gynaecology clinicians, which builds upon earlier RCOG OASI content. The OASI Care Bundle comprises three important resources: 

Course 1: Practical training for clinicians

The first of the three courses of the OASI Care Bundle contains short, practical videos and resources to help you learn how to apply the OASI Care Bundle in your maternity service, including:

  • guidance on how to have an antenatal discussion with pregnant people about OASI, alongside practical materials to support this discussion
  • video instruction on how to perform the three clinical components of the OASI Care Bundle
  • the OASI Care Bundle Manual, a comprehensive guide to applying the care bundle in practice.

Course 2: Implementation resources for local leads

The second course contains videos, resources and useful 'how-to' guides specifically directed at those individuals with responsibility for leading the implementation of the OASI Care Bundle. The resources will help you to:

  • raise awareness of OASI, the Care Bundle and the research behind it
  • facilitate implementation of the OASI Care Bundle in your maternity service
  • advocate for protected time to fulfil your role.

Course 3: Full course for professional development

This comprehensive resource is the third and final course of the OASI Care Bundle, and includes information on the background and development of the OASI Care Bundle, as well as evidence for, and practical application of, the four components.