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This course is part of the RCOG Core Knowledge series.

This course reviews the main ethical and legal problems faced by a working obstetrician or gynaecologist in relation to consent, confidentiality, patients under 16 years of age and vulnerable adults. Various topics relating to medical certification will be addressed and we will also touch on how medical negligence is handled in the various parts of the UK.

Welcome to this Core Knowledge course on Ethical and legal issues.

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  • describe the principles and legal issues surrounding informed consent
  • seek valid consent from patients and know how to deal with under 16s and vulnerable adults
  • recognise the importance of maintaining confidentiality and when it can be broken
  • recall the Sexual Offences Act (and its equivalent in Scotland) and know when to involve social services and the police
  • complete a death certificate and know when to refer to the coroner or the procurator fiscal
  • discuss the abortion certificates for England and Scotland and the legal issues affecting individuals who will not participate in abortion services for moral and religious reasons
  • recognise the importance of the NHS insurance criteria in all the different countries in the UK
  • describe the duty care of a doctor outlined by the Francis report, 2013
  • explain the four principle approaches to medical ethics and the ethics associated with assisted conception and fertility.

Mr Antony Hollingworth FRCOG (2010, 2013, 2016)

Mr Hollingworth is a Consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Whipps Cross University Hospital Trust, London.

Dr Mehrnoosh Aref-Adib MRCOG (2016)

Dr Connie Pidgeon DRCOG (2016)

This course is intended to help clinicians gain core knowledge for O&G training and the MRCOG examinations. It can also be used by O&G consultants to refresh their knowledge of the area or for teaching.

Product Details:

Product Name Price
Ethical and legal issues - 12 Month Access £50.40