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This course is part of the RCOG Core Knowledge series.

Abdominal surgery remains integral to modern gynaecological practice. All trainees must have an understanding of the principles and practice of open surgery for the most commonly encountered indications.


When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  • recognise the correct choice of incision appropriate to the clinical situation
  • open and close incisions effectively
  • describe the principles involved in performing the most common abdominal procedures in gynaecology.

Dr Emmanuel Emovon MBBS MRCOG (2019, 2023)

Dr Emovon is a Clinical Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Teaching Trust, UK.

This course is intended to help clinicians gain core knowledge for O&G training and the MRCOG examinations. It can also be used by O&G consultants to refresh their knowledge of the area or for teaching.

The content of this course relates to the following Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and key skills:

CiP 1: Clinical skills and patient care
Provides treatment

CiP 9: Emergency gynaecology and early pregnancy
Manages non-pregnancy pelvic pain
Manages non-pregnancy vaginal bleeding
Manages complications of treatment
Manages other early pregnancy complications

CiP 11: Non-emergency gynaecology and early pregnancy
Manages abnormal vaginal bleeding
Manages pelvic and vulval bleeding
Manages pelvic masses

Further details about each CiP can be found within the O&G Core Curriculum 2024 Definitive Document, available here.

Product Details:

Product Name Price
Abdominal surgery - 12 Month Access £62.40