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Introducing the brand new TOG podcast resource.

In each episode, TOG Editors speak to authors of TOG articles and prominent figures in the O&G community to gain valuable insight into their areas of interest and careers.

In most episodes, TOG Editors speak to authors of recently published TOG articles to explore their topic a bit further: why is it so important? what are the main things we should take away from each TOG article? and where can we find out more?

In the ‘What I’ve learnt…’ series, TOG Editors delve into the lives of prominent figures in the O&G community to find out what really lead them to practise in this field and the lessons they’ve learnt along the way. A ‘must listen’ for O&G Trainees in particular.

We launched the resource with 2 episodes in September 2023 with the aim of adding one new podcast a month.

Price: Free