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Welcome to this Making Abortion Safe course on Post-abortion contraception

This course explores:

  • when different contraceptive methods can be started after an abortion
  • how to sensitively initiate a discussion about contraception and identify contraceptive methods clients might be interested in using
  • how to identify contraindications to methods, and
  • the information clients need to aid their decision-making – and when their chosen method is prescribed.
  • When you have completed this course, you will be able to:
  • explain when different contraceptive methods can be started after an abortion
  • describe how to sensitively initiate a discussion about contraception
  • explain how to gather information to identify contraceptive methods clients might be interested in using
  • describe how to identify contraindications to methods
  • outline key information about contraceptive methods to help facilitate client decision making
  • outline key information clients should understand before being prescribed a contraceptive method.
Price: Free