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Welcome to this Making Abortion Safe course on Planning your advocacy journey.

This course has been designed to help you identify the main barriers to safe abortion (SA) and post-abortion care (PAC) access in your context and develop a plan to address these barriers through advocacy.

When you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • describe the most common barriers that healthcare providers (HCPs) face that prevent them from providing SA/PAC
  • describe the prevailing opinions of your government, influencers and other influential members of society in relation to SA/PAC
  • identify the barriers to SA/PAC that are most prominent in your context and be equipped with practical tips, tools and ideas to advocate to address these barriers
  • identify the specific barriers to SA/PAC you want to address, and analyse them further
  • define your aim and objectives
  • identify who your key stakeholders are, the power they hold and how to influence them.


Price: Free