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We are pleased to announce the launch of our Educational Supervisors' toolkit.

High-quality Educational Supervision is the foundation of good training, with the Educational Supervisor (ES) responsible for the overall supervision and management of trainees’ educational progress. The role of the ES was enhanced with the introduction of the 2019 Curriculum, with increased responsibility to support trainees. More regular contact is expected and the quality of the relationship is crucial to ensure the ES can make their global assessment. 

This Educational Supervisors' toolkit resource is for anybody who:

  • is thinking about being an ES
  • has just become an ES
  • is an established ES and wants support in any aspect of the role.

The purpose of the toolkit is to: 

  • clearly define the ES role in obstetrics and gynaecology
  • signpost ESs to resources to support initial and ongoing training for the role
  • provide support to ESs who are supervising trainees with specific needs.

Access to the Educational Supervisors' toolkit is available for all RCOG members here.

If you are an institution looking to purchase multiple licenses for this resource, please contact to discuss your requirements.


Price: £124.80