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This course is part of the RCOG Core Knowledge series.

The rate of caesarean birth varies not only between different countries but also between different hospitals. The caesarean birth rate has risen from about 3% in the 1950s to 15% in the mid 1990s. Data from NHS England published in December 2023 records a planned caesarean birth rate of 23% in 2022-2023. Published monthly data for September 2023 recorded 18% elective caesarean births and 23% emergency caesarean births in NHS England.

Caesarean birth carries a three-fold risk of maternal death compared with vaginal delivery. Maternal mortality is higher for emergency caesarean birth compared with elective procedures.

Maternal morbidity and mortality from caesarean birth can be reduced if correct surgical techniques are used. No two procedures are the same, and correct preparation and anticipation of complications are vital if maternal morbidity is to be avoided.

There are variations in surgical technique and an awareness of different approaches to caesarean birth allows the obstetrician to adapt to unexpected scenarios that might be encountered during the operation.

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  • describe the indications for caesarean birth
  • prepare a patient for caesarean birth
  • describe the surgical techniques of caesarean section
  • describe the techniques used to aid the delivery of the deeply impacted head
  • describe the management of the common complications of caesarean birth
  • describe how to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity associated with caesarean birth.

Dr Sarah Barr MRCOG PhD (2020, 2024)

Dr Barr is a Consultant Obstretrician and Gynaecologist at the NHS Forth Valley Trust.

This course is intended to help clinicians gain core knowledge for O&G training and the MRCOG examinations. It can also be used by O&G consultants to refresh their knowledge of the area or for teaching.

Product Details:

Product Name Price
Caesarean birth- 12 Month Access £50.40