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This course is part of the RCOG Core Knowledge series.

This course reviews the different intrapartum fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns observed with electronic monitoring that may be associated with hypoxia.

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate improved knowledge of intrapartum monitoring
  • identify cases at risk of intrapartum hypoxia
  • interpret cardiotocographic (CTG) abnormalities that might suggest hypoxia
  • improve your decision-making in intrapartum management and improve your ability to act appropriately to avoid intrapartum hypoxic events
  • describe issues related to intrapartum hypoxia and neurological outcome and the risk of hypoxic perinatal morbidity and mortality
  • describe adjuvant tests of fetal wellbeing.

Dr Neeraja Yeddula MRCOG (2015, 2016)

At the time of writing, Dr Yeddula was a Senior Registrar (post-CCT) at Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust.

Fadi Alfhaily MRCOG (2014, 2015 2016)

Dr Alfhaily is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust.


This course is intended to help clinicians gain core knowledge for O&G training and the MRCOG examinations. It can also be used by O&G consultants to refresh their knowledge of the area or for teaching.

The content of this course relates to the following Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and key skills:

CiP 1: Clinical skills and patient care
Facilitates discussions

CiP 6: Developing self & others
Commits to continued learning

CiP 7: Innovation and research
Critical thinking

CiP 8: Educator
Effective teaching

CiP 10: Emergency obstetrics
Manages intrapartum fetal surveillance
Manages emergency birth, postpartum problems
Manages labour ward

CiP 12: Non-emergency obstetrics
Manages fetal concerns

Further details about each CiP can be found within the O&G Core Curriculum 2024 Definitive Document, available here.

Product Details:

Product Name Price
Assessment of fetal wellbeing - 12 Month Access £50.40