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The RCOG has launched an eLearning resource on Clinical Research in obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G) in collaboration with the University of Birmingham.

The resource was commissioned by the National Institute of Healthcare Research (NIHR) and aims to provide clinicians with the core skills needed to deliver portfolio research. It covers key research methodologies and aims to help learners access research career opportunities.

The resource contains four comprehensive modules:

  1. Women's health and research
  2. Research infrastructure and organisational support for research
  3. I have a research idea. How do I develop this further?
  4. Introduction to clinical trials

The RCOG is committed to continually developing our training and resources to ensure we are meeting future workforce needs and improve standards in women’s healthcare.

The resource is free to complete and available on the NIHR Learn platform. All O&G professionals with an interest in clinical research are encouraged to access the resource.

How to access the resource

The resource is free to access, but you must have a registered account on NIHR Learn to view the content.

You can set up an NIHR Learn account here.

A direct link to the learning content can be found here [NB. you must be logged in to the NIHR Learn platform to view the content via this link].

Please email if you have any queries about this resource.

Price: Free