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With the exception of the Abortion: Historical, legal and public health aspects course, these courses will be taken offline on 20 December 2024. If you are currently working through the courses, please ensure you have completed them before this date. 

Following a review of our eLearning provision in line with the launch of Curriculum 2024, we are planning to develop new resources to support Special Interest Training. Whilst the existing courses remain online, please be aware that the accuracy of this content cannot be guaranteed. 

Further announcements will be added here over the coming months.  


Welcome to this Special Interest Training resource on Safe practice in abortion care.

Add this product to your shopping basket to purchase all of the Safe practice in abortion care courses:

  • Abortion: Historical, legal and public health aspects
  • Conscience and abortion
  • Early medical abortion
  • Feticide
  • Managing abortion-related emergencies and adverse outcomes
  • Medical abortion between 10–24 weeks' gestation
  • Pre-abortion assessment and support
  • Surgical abortion up to 14 weeks of gestation
  • Surgical abortion after 14 weeks of gestation.
Price: £352.80